Patent and Trademark Office (2200 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., 4th Floor East, Wash., D.C.)
Brand Registration Office (Trademark Selection Edition) (Washington, DC)
GBO, Inc., Trademark and Patent Dep. (Miami, FL)
GLOPAT Global Patents & Trademarks (Bratislava, Slovak Republic)
Intellectual Property Agency Ltd. (London, U.K.)
Intellectual Property Services USA Incorporated (Alexandria, VA)
IOPR - Intellectual Office Property Register (Beaverton, OR)
IP Direct - Registration of the International Trademark (Czech Republic)
IPTA Registration of the International Trademark (Brno, Czech Republic)
IPTI - International Patent & Trademark Index (Czech Republic)
IPTO International Patent & Trademark Organization (Brno, Czech Republic)
IPTR Registration of the International Trademark (Brno, Czech Republic)
ITR Trademark Publication (Miami, FL)
P.T.M.A. Patent and Trademark Association (New York, NY)
Patent & Trademark Agency (New York, NY)
Patent & Trademark Bureau (Philadelphia, PA)
New Patent and Trademark Bureau (Los Angeles, CA)
New Patent and Trademark Bureau (New York, NY)
Patent & Trademark Office (250 Park Ave., New York, NY)
Patent & Trademark Office (299 Park Ave., New York, NY)
Patent & Trademark Office (387 Park Ave. S, New York, NY)
Patent & Trademark Office (555 Madison Ave., New York, NY)
Patent & Trademark Office (Jersey City, NJ)
Patent & Trademark Resource Center (Seattle, Woodinville, & Bothell, WA)
Patent and Trademark Office (2200 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., 4th Floor East, Wash., D.C.)
Patent and Trademark Organization (New York, NY)
Patent Trademark Register
PTMI – Register of Protected Patents and Trademarks (Staten Island, NY)
Register of International Patents and Trademarks (Bratislava, Slovak Republic)
RPT Servis - Registration of the International Trademark (Czech Republic)
TM Collection (Szombathely, Hungary)
TM Edition (2012 version) (Szentendre, Hungary)
TM Edition (2015 version) (Szentendre, Hungary)
TM-DB Register of Protected Trademarks (Minneapolis, MN)
TM-DB Register of Protected Trademarks (Pearland, TX)
TM-DB Register of Protected Trademarks (Washington, DC)
TM-DB Register of Protected Trademarks (Wilmington, DE)
TPP - Trademark & Patent Publications (Poland)
Trademark and Patent Office (Los Angeles, CA)
Trademark Compliance Center (version 2) (Alexandria, VA)
Trademark Compliance Center (version 1) (Alexandria, VA)
Trademark Compliance Center (Washington, DC)
Trademark Compliance Office (Arlington, VA)
Trademark Office Ltd. (New York, NY)
Trademark Registration and Monitoring Office (Intellectual Property Rights Recordation Alert) (Los Angeles, CA)
Trademark Registration and Monitoring Office (Past Due Notice) (Los Angeles, CA)
Trademark Renewal Service (New York, NY)
Trademark Renewal Service (Washington, DC)
Trademark Safeguard - Trademark Monitoring Service (New York, NY)
WDTP Registration of International Trademark (Praha, Czech Rep.) (v.1)
WDTP Registration of International Trademark (Praha, Czech Rep.) (v.2)
IPT World Patents Trademarks (Bratislava, Slovak Republic)
World Organization for Trademarks (WOTRA) (Hungary) (NEW)
WPAT World Patents Trademarks (Bratislava, Slovak Republic)
WPTR (Czech Republic)
WTMR World Trademark Register (Washington, D.C.)
WTP Trademark Publication (Miami, FL)
WTR World Trademark Register (Poland)
Considere que algunas de las empresas con menos escrúpulos intentan hacer sus solicitudes imitando la apariencia de los documentos oficiales del gobierno, con el aspecto de una solicitud típica comercial o jurídica, haciendo hincapié en los datos Oficiales del gobierno, como el número de expediente o de registro oficial la clase internacional (es), fechas de presentación, y otra información que esté disponible al público en los récords oficiales.